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People with multiple sclerosis are receiving greater access to funded supports under the NDIS.
Full scheme rollout will benefit people affected by multiples sclerosis, compared to the current system which is not tailored to individual needs, choice and control.


When determining eligibility, the NDIS considers:

  • your age
  • your disability or significant impairments
  • whether significant impairment is permanent or likely to be permanent
  • whether you would benefit from early intervention.

To be eligible you must:

  • be under 65 years of age
  • be a resident of Australia
  • have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent (lifelong) and that stops you from doing everyday things by yourself

The funded supports in an NDIS Plan will be reasonable and necessary and relate to your disability or functional impairment. These supports will help to maintain and strengthen your ability to access Miracle Hands. An NDIS plan will also consider how to strengthen your informal supports.
For more information, see the NDIS checklist at or call NDIS on 1800 800 110.


To determine if you are eligible for the NDIS you will need to commence the process by calling the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on 1800 800 110 and ask for an Access Request Form. They may ask you a series of questions over the phone before sending you further documentation which will need to be completed.


  • The Access Request Form is the first step in helping to determine if you are eligible for funded supports from the NDIA.
  • To obtain an Access Request Form you will need to call the NDIS directly on 1800 800 110 and ask for a form to be sent to you.
  • You must return the completed form to the NDIA within 28 days of the date of the letter that accompanies the Access Request Form.
  • Section 1 of the form can be completed by you or a representative for your health, for example a family member.
  • Sections 2 and 3 of the form must be completed by your treating doctor or specialist.
  • Recent reports or assessments from your GP or other health professionals that describe the extent of the functional impact of your multiple sclerosis can be included.
  • Your GP or other health professional will need to give information on six functional domains:
  • mobility/motor skills
  • communication
  • social interaction
  • learning
  • self-care
  • self-management
  • Once you return the form to the NDIA you should be notified within 21 working days about your eligibility and next steps.
  • Make sure you make and keep a copy of the Access Request Form and any other supporting documents.
  • If you have any questions call Reliance Care and Support on 04 9717 4932 or email [email protected]

Reliance Care Services

About Us

Reliance Care And Support has been established in response to local community demand for culturally informed, and disability support services in the Victoria region.

Reliance Care and Support’s services include:

Individual and Group Community Participation activities, including supported shopping, medical appointments, sporting and recreational events, social activities, visiting or making new friends, travel and building confidence and social skills. Assistance with life stage transitions and skill development, including assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations, as well as budgeting, mentoring, peer support, individual skill development, and decision making to support people to make transitions on their own terms and in a way that meets their goals and aspirations.

About NDIS

Our Vision :

To be an innovative disability services organization with strategic focus, Reliance Care And Support will establish its foundation and grow by raising the bar in terms of professionalism, innovation, agility and responsiveness.

Our Mission :

Supporting and enhancing the wellbeing of the people with disabilities in the Victoria’s metro regions by providing excellent support and care for individuals and families.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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    Hined Mohamad profile

    EG. Jasmine got her Masters in Psychological Science and Psychotherapy at Monash University. She is a registered therapist with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA).
    Her areas of interest include Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI). ABA is an intervention in which the principles of
    learning theory are applied in a systematic and measurable manner to increase, reduce, maintain, and/or generalise target behaviours. In IBI programs, each child’s strengths and weaknesses are assessed and a comprehensive program is created for the child. Jasmine uses ABA and IBA approach and its techniques to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and children with Intellectual Disability improve their social skills, self-care skills, communication skills, play skills and ability to manage their own behaviour. These techniques help reduce difficult behaviour
    like inattention, aggression and screaming.
    As an experienced therapist, Jasmine has been working with individuals with varying
    needs from early school age through to adulthood. Jasmine believes in strength-based, family and child inclusive, and recovery-orientated approach to achieve the desired outcome. Her friendly and welcoming manner help her build constructive rapport with her clients to achieve the best result from each session.
